Best Rotoscoping Services In India 

Rotoscoping Services is gaining huge popularity in animation industry because it can completely change the visualization of footage. With changing faces of film industry, this technique is considered as a boon. Whether production house has to create movie, TV series, animated video or commercial advertisement, they must hire rotoscopy services as it take their project at the next level. Few years ago, you must visit the preferred place where you want to shoot video or film, but with the help of this technique, you can bring that place in your footage without going to that specific place and this is the power of this rotoscope services.

Just because of its unbelievable outcome, this animation technique has become highly popular in India too. As a result, you can find many animators who are running studio to provide rotoscoping services India. It is really a sophisticated task and without experienced roto artist or animators it can not be executed well. With the help of this technique animator can add or remove object, replace subject, change the complete location of video, add live action footage into video or image and do many more thing. To provide best rotoscope service, companies or studios have a team of professional who implement every requirement with the help of advanced software and computer.


Techniques Used In Rotoscoping Animation Services

Animators and roto artist use different techniques of rotoscoping service to make clips, TV series, videos, movies and commercials. Whether client require silhouette splines, motion or hard blur mattes, nuke or anything, these service provider are capable to provide every services as per the requirement. Provider of rotoscoping services in Pune commonly use the below given rotoscoping technique :

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  • Motion Tracking : This technique is used by animators or artist in order to analyze pixel and sub-pixel in footage or movie. The same method is also used by creators for match moving and stabilization. Not only this, it also helps to make coordination on every frame.

  • Effects Painting : This technique of rotoscopy services is utilize to add new objects and elemnt in footage or scene. Professional artist use airbrush or paintbrush to create the required effect. Today you can find many popular movies scenes where artist has used paint effect to insert visual effect. Some studio also use auto paint to provide outstanding visual effects.

  • Matte Creation : It is one of the necessary part of rotoscoping service. Matte, which is a grayscale clip is utilized to stencil a portion of background clip. Most of the client didn’t accept project if matte is poor. Therefore artist always ensure to use this technique properly which satisfy their client and attract more viewers.

  • Stereo Roto : This service generally include two features i.e. Stereo Conversion and Stereo Workflow. Stereo Conversion include conversion of 2D video into 3D. On the other hand, Stereo Workflow artist shoot video with help of multiple camera and closely match them. If they not match it properly then definitely it degrade viewer’s experience.

Apart from that there is another rotoscoping technique which is very popular these days are green or blue screen. Provider of rotoscoping services India use blue and green screen process because it help them to add any element inside a live action footage easily. Most famous and successful movies of Hollywood has also used rotoscoping and VFX services to make every scene unbelievable which blow minds of viewers. Not only movies, television industry also depend on it to make their TV series best from competitors. So if you also own a production company, you can hire rotoscope services to bring amazing things in footage and make the project successful.






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