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Introduction to rotoscoping after effects
Rotoscoping after effects is a simple technique in theory, but it is difficult in practice, because due to the frame-by-frame nurture of the process. Whether you are an animator, VFX artist, motion graphic designer, and videographer, you will probably need to rotoscope at least one shot in your career. This is why rotoscoping after effects is a very powerful and useful method for making changes in any video footage or any object of a particular image. This technique can add visual interest to your project.
Roto Brush Tool for Rotoscoping After Effects ?
Today in this article we will study about rotoscoping after effects using roto brush tool. Rotoscoping is the process of tracking and isolation objects within an image. To rotoscope one second of video, one would need to do 24 to 30 mattes depending on the frame per second and every matte should match the movement of the isolating objects.
Roto brush tool is easy to use because the roto brush tool works like a selection tool inside Photoshop that looks for the edges of what we are going to do next for rotoscoping after effects. The new roto brush tool is 2.0 in rotoscoping after effects improves on the original roto brush tool and makes the advanced rotoscoping technique available to a wide range of video creators, saving countless hours of hard work efforts, even with difficult task videos and footage.
So if you have ever watched some action videos where someone was not in front of the green screen, but then the editors were able to cut them out important parts perfectly and put a new background or something behind them. They are likely to use to roto brush tool to use. Roto brush 2 function is much the same as the original roto brush tool, but it improves the underlying technology. Then the result will be much smoother.